I have been praying about The Conversation over the past few months. I've also been worrying about it. And dreading it. So I put it off and planned to have this talk sometime in the future. Some undetermined time in the future, that is.
As time passed, I've felt little prompts from the Holy Spirit that the time was coming for me to have this talk. I brushed these feelings aside and continued to hang on to my anxiety about it all. And then tonight, I think God gave me a little push because I couldn't ignore His prompt anymore.
And you know what? The Conversation went so much better than I could have ever imagined. I'd spent all this time worrying and praying, rather than praying and trusting that He would take care of it. He covered The Conversation with His grace and peace, and He gave me the words to say.
I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest, and I am absolutely joyous about the communication that occurred. I am praising God tonight, friends! And with one step at a time, we move forward...!
Lauren, I am so happy that this went so well for you!! God is going to bless this journey and I can't wait to see how it all unfolds! Praying for you friend!