Thursday, August 16, 2012

recent goings-on.

A lot has been happening around here, so forgive me for disappearing for two whole weeks! I am trying to get back into some sort of routine, which has proven to be a bit difficult with all that needs to get done! But anyway, I had a few minutes free, so I figured I should catch you all up on the preparations for Africa!

The biggest thing that I have to share is: I am completely done with fundraising! Your prayers and generosity have been astounding, and I raised all $3600 needed for the trip itself, plus another $800 for the necessary vaccines. I still cannot believe it, actually! The fact that so many people helped me with the expense is such an amazing gift, and it reminds me that God indeed is in control. After all, I fully believe that I would not have reached this goal if He did not intend for me to go on this particular trip.

The team has begun to have conference calls once every other week so that we can all get to know one another a little better before October. I am really looking forward to meeting everyone because our stories are all so different, yet we are united in our love of Christ and our passion for the children of Africa. God has truly knit together this team, and I believe that He has equipped this group with a myriad of strengths so that we can effectively demonstrate His love in these orphanages.

Now that the Nehemiah study is completed, I am starting a book called "When Helping Hurts" by Brian Fikkert and Steve Corbett. It is one that Visiting Orphans requires us to read before our trip, and we will be discussing it further in later conference calls. I have a funny feeling that parts of this book will also apply to my work in the hospital... I'll let you know when I'm done reading it!

I will, of course, try to be better about updating you all in the coming weeks. In the meantime, please keep us in your prayers! Love and thanks to each of you!

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