Monday, June 18, 2012

nehemiah: a heart that can break (session one).

I have so much to update you all on, since I haven't posted anything since June 7th (which is just oh so long ago!) The truth is, I've been blogging over here because I've just been so worried about my sweet Claire. But now I'm back, so here we go!

I started Kelly Minter's Nehemiah bible study with some of my team members - and if you're looking for a study to do, let me recommend this one. And, to make it easy for you, you can buy it here! There are seven sessions, and each session is composed of five lessons. I figured I'd share some little gems at the end of each session, because this study is just fantastic and is teaching me volumes about the Lord and about myself.

Things I've Learned Lately [Session One]
  • A broken heart is often the very thing God uses to restore the broken. We can't underestimate the power that pours forth from a broken heart.
  • With information comes responsibility; if we know, we are required to do something.
  • Nehemiah was a great leader because of his heart - he had a God-inspired heart that couldn't bear the thought of letting people suffer. His actions were driven by the passion that arose from seeing their need.
  • We will accomplish little of eternal significance apart from prayer. Oswald Chambers once said, "Too often we treat prayer as the preparation for the work of the church. Do you not see? Prayer is the work of the church."
  • I shy away from prayer because of a lack of trust with God. This is something that I've been aware of for awhile, and with God's help, I am working on it daily. It's been hard at times, but it is so worth it.
  • My lack of awestruck moments isn't because God is lacking in awesomeness but because I settle for so much less.
  • We can't appreciate the great cost of forgiveness if we think our sin barely needed it in the first place. And oh, do we need it.
  • It's vital that we devote time prayer for others - one of the beauties of intercessory prayer is that it builds community as it divinely attaches you to those for whom you are praying.
  • Prayer is a commitment that can't be based on feeling because we won't always feel it. My frequent prayer is that of Luke 11:1 - "Lord, teach us to pray."
  • Kelly asked, "Of what are you afraid when it comes to the gospel?" After giving this a lot of thought, I realized that I'm afraid of feeling the loneliness and sadness that I often feel when other people don't understand me because of my faith.
  • God can accomplish far more than what my highest thoughts and most skillful actions can achieve. I am being led by Him.
  • When embraced by God's grace, the call to serve is no longer a guilt-trip but the gospel.
  • There are some desires that are placed in our heart by God. It is so important to pray these desires into being as God leads us toward our future! For me, these desires include going on this trip to Africa and someday being able to adopt a child. I'll keep praying!

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